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Facts about Incineration - What They Don’t Want You to Know

  • Mass incineration is the primary cause of dioxins in the environment.
    UN Environment Programme

  • Incinerators are responsible for 70% of all dioxins produced.
    Stockholm Convention, 2001

  • Dioxins cause, cancer in adults, developmental defects in children, genetic & birth defects.
    US EPA

  • Incineration an “unacceptable risk to public health”.
    Irish Doctors Environmental Association

  • "Incinerators are in reality particulate generators, and their use cannot be justified now that it is clear how toxic and carcinogenic fine particulates are."
    4th Report of British Society for Ecological Medicine (Dec. 2005)

  • Indaver Ireland has no personnel with experience in running, operating or monitoring incinerators.
    Oral Hearing

  • This incinerator will be monitored – from Belgium!
    Oral Hearing evidence

  • Ireland does not have adequate monitoring facilities: Irish Health Research Bureau.
    HRB Report 2003

  • English average – Emission limits exceeded 553 times!
    UK Govt

  • Indaver Belgium – Emission limit exceeded by factor of 1,800 – August ’02! Plant temporarily closed.
    Source Indaver

  • The incinerator that does not emit dioxins has not been built. Dioxins are the most dangerous toxin known to man & there is no safe level.
    U.S. E.P.A.

  • Zero levels now recommended by US EPA.
    US Congress report 2000

  • The inspector said “He was not satisfied that the incinerator would not pose a significant risk to public safety, if there is an accident”.
    An Bord Pleanala Report

  • For every 1M tonnes of toxic waste burnt 333,000 tonnes of toxic ash will have to be exported.
    ratio admitted by Indaver, An Bord Pleanala Oral Hearing

  • Ireland only produces 15-20,000 tonnes of hazardous waste for incineration.
    Irish EPA Database 2001
    • Where is the extra hazardous waste going to come from?

    • There is no Irish or E.U. law that can prevent the company importing waste.

    • ‘Cork produces less than 10% of the waste targeted for the burner’.

Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
Bishop's Road, Cobh, Co. Cork
Tel - 021 481 5564      Email -
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