Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
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See also links listed on website of Zero Waste Alliance Ireland - click here.

York Residents Against Incineration (YRAIN)
Group opposing York and North Yorkshire Councils' plans for a waste incinerator, and promoting alternative waste management solutions.

Guildford Anti-Incineration Network (GAIN)
A coalition of concerned residents and associations.

BAN Waste Group (Newcastle, UK)
A partnership of residents,councillors and council officials.

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
International alliance working to end waste and to promote sustainable waste prevention and management practices.

No Incinerators for Europe (NIFE)
Dedicated to the elimination of waste incineration throughout Europe.

Greenpeace Ban the Burn Campaign
Greenpeace’s anti-incineration home page.

Zero Waste New Zealand Trust
Supporting organisations, councils, businesses, schools and individuals involved in waste minimisation and recycling.

Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)
The campaign for health care without harm.

Toxics Link
For a toxics free world.

Sound Resource Management Group
Works to reduce waste and conserve resources throughout the US and Canada. Contains reports on the economic and environmental benefits of recycling.

International POPs Elimination Platform (IPEN)
Working for the global elimination of persistent organic pollutants.

Clean Production Action (CPA)
Clean production today for a healthier world tomorrow.

Basel Action Network (BAN)
A global alliance against toxic trade.

Grassroots Recycling Network (GRRN)
GRRN tries to eliminate the waste of natural and human resources. Good recycling and Zero Waste info resources.

Alliance for Safe Alternatives
Campaign to transform production processes, products, and disposal practices so that they are not a source of persistent toxic chemicals in our food, our bodies, or our environment.

Toxic Use Reduction Institute
Helps Massachusetts companies and communities find innovative, cost effective ways to reduce toxic chemical use at the source, rather than treat wastes once produced.

Connects people who care about the environment for the purpose of reducing ecological footprint. Aims to be the world’s foremost content hub for green, linking millions of people from across the globe engaged in sustainable commerce, and helping to inform people, who want to strive toward a more sustainable lifestyle.


Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
Bishop's Road, Cobh, Co. Cork
Tel - 021 481 5564      Email -
(All content, logos, and images sourced from third parties are the copyright of the respective sources)