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An Bord Pleanála
Ireland’s Planning appeals board.

An Taisce
The National Trust of Ireland.

Recycling Directory of Ireland
A recycling directory of Ireland.

Provides information on the environment, including waste management.

Environmental Protection Agency.

A non-profit company, established by industry in partnership with the Government for the purposes of fulfilling industry’s responsibilities to recover and recycle packaging waste.

Cork Environmental Forum
A cross sectoral, umbrella organisation of approximately 650 organisations groups and individuals mostly from the Cork region - its mission to foster, promote & implement sustainable development within the Cork region.

Health Research Board
A statutory body that promotes, funds, commissions and conducts medical, epidemiological and health services research in Ireland.

Health and Safety Authority
The national body in Ireland with responsibility for securing health and safety at work.

The national board responsible for providing policy advice to Government on enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation in Ireland.

Planning Matters
An independent resource, offering information, support and expertise to people who find themselves in need of assistance when dealing with the planning system in Ireland.


Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
Bishop's Road, Cobh, Co. Cork
Tel - 021 481 5564      Email -
(All content, logos, and images sourced from third parties are the copyright of the respective sources)