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CHASE PRESS RELEASE 21st February, 2008

The application by Indaver Ireland for a 100,000 tonne Municipal Waste Incinerator at Ringaskiddy is not a project of strategic national importance and should not qualify for consideration by the Strategic Infrastructure Development Section of An Bord Pleanala, for which it has been submitted.

The Indaver project is a commercial project from a Belgian based multi-national company, and is excess to our requirements, according to most recent government policy.

“This move away from incineration….is Government policy, and it is backed up by work carried out by waste experts in the Department of the Environment.”
Environment Minister John Gormley
11 Oct 2007, Recycling and Waste World Conference

The Minister also outlined a maximum of 400,000 tonnes of waste available for final disposal, after using alternatives technologies and maximising recycling. The proposed Poolbeg incinerator already has a capacity for 600,000 tonnes, which does away with claims by Indaver that the Ringaskiddy incinerator is of any national importance.

A CHASE Spokesperson said “This Ringaskiddy incinerator is not required, it is should not qualify for National Infrastructure Status. Any claims that this incinerator will help us meet our 2010 landfill diversion targets are nonsense, because it simply won’t be operational by then.

Unfortunately, the community is not consulted in the process of deciding whether that status is granted or not. This is an underhand effort by Indaver to fast-track their project and cut out community involvement.”


For further information contact:
Linda FitzPatrick, 087 7410849 021 4374506


Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
Bishop's Road, Cobh, Co. Cork
Tel - 021 481 5564      Email -
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